Care and Control

Other Mirrors: Language and Representation of Illness. A Symposium

Saturday 5 August 1995

Rear Window, Sutton House, 2-4 Homerton High Street, London E9

Other Mirrors, Language and Representation of Illness is a Symposium exploring the avenues taken by Care and Control. It will look at the difficulties of articulating illness and health care.

10am                        Registration at Hackney Hospital, Homerton High Street, London E9

10.30am            Tour of the exhibition led by Peter Cross, Rear Window and Sacha
Craddock, art critic

12.00pm            Lunch, Board Room, Hackney Hospital

1pm                        Registration at Sutton House, 2-4 Homerton High Street, London E9

1.30pm             Introduction – Jean-Paul Martinon, Rear Window

1.45pm            Words, An Exploration of the Language and Mental Illness in Time –
Dr. Trevor Turner, Consultant Psychiatrist, Hackney Hospital

2.10pm            Therapy and the Care and Control Workshops –
                        Lyn French, artist, art therapist, co-founder of the Hackney Arts Initiative

2.40pm            Images, Photography and the Representation of Mental Health –
                        Dr. Francis McKee, medical historian and curator of the exhibition
Out of Mind, Out of Sight at the Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow

3pm                        Panel Discussion chaired by Peter Cross, Rear Window

3.45pm            Tea

4.15pm            The Abject as Object of Beauty: Aesthetics and Health –
                        Dr. Mark Cousins, Director of General Studies at the Architectural

4.45pm            Art Practice in Institutions: The effects of Psychiatric Institutions on Art
Practice – Catherine Yass, artist. Yass recently completed a commission
at the Springfield Hospital, South London.

5.10pm            Service Users Speak Out: A Collaborative Presentation by the Rainbow
Project, a Day Service Unit and the Hackney Arts Initiative’s Friday
Workshop Group with Lisa Cunningham, psychiatric nurse, Hackney

5.40pm            Drinks


Care and Control
Care and Control

Other Mirrors Panel, from left to right: Dr. Trevor Turner, Dr. Francis McKee, Peter Cross, Sutton House, 1995, Photo: D. Martin